Kanggo nyoba tahan tahanane batere ing lingkungan suhu sing dhuwur, Dongfeng Forthing Jumuah, kanthi sukses ngliwati dalan sing ana 200- meter kanthi kacepetan 4km / h. Suhu panel kontak kendaraan tekan dhuwure 900 ℃. Asil kasebut nuduhake yen kendharaan kasebut ora katon runaway termal, lan kendharaan sing apik lan fungsi sing mlaku yaiku normal. Dibandhingake karo standar nasional sing dipotong baterei kanthi langsung diobong sajrone 70 detik, JumuahDuwe tes safety saka 140 detik ing level kendharaan, sing nyumbang nilai referensi anyar kanggo mriksa teknologi keamanan baterei.
Friday's armor battery has also undergone dual tests of low temperature and high pressure flushing, further demonstrating the defensive strength of battery safety. In the low-temperature test, simulate the cold winter temperature conditions in the north, and place the armor battery in a low-temperature environment of minus 40 ℃. Sawise 8 jam, transfer baterei Armor menyang laboratorium tekanan laboratorium sing profesional. Use a high-pressure water gun with a water temperature of 80 ℃ and a pressure of 8000-10000kPa to continuously spray the armor battery in all directions.
After two consecutive tests, it was found that there was no water leakage in the battery compartment of the armored battery, and the battery pack had no short circuit, fire, or explosion throughout the entire process. When the armor battery is reinstalled in the car, it can still start and drive normally. Sampeyan kudu nyebut manawa intensitas tekanan banyu tantangan iki padha karo 54 wong diwasa mlaku ing baterei sing nganggo armasan sekaligus, nuduhake kekuwatan baterei.
Kekuwatan dual "Rintangan Frost" lan "Waterproof" wis disertifikasi kanthi lengkap. Ing pasuryan es ing mangsa lanudan ing
Sukses sing sukses saka telung tes safety utama dening Dongfeng Forthing Jumuah ora bisa dipisahake saka "Teknologi Perlindung Perlindungan Ultrak Ultra sing dhuwur".This technology provides comprehensive protection for the core layer, module layer, entire packaging layer, and vehicle chassis of armored batteries, making the batteries have characteristics such as high temperature resistance, compression resistance, and waterproofing. Kabeh iki nggawe sistem perlindungan keamanan sing ora bisa dirasakake, njamin lelungan pangguna.
baterei rormr saka
Web: https://www.forthingmotor/.
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com dflqali@dflzm.com
Telpon: +867723281270 +8618177244813
Alamat: 286, pingshan Avenue, liuzhou, Guangxi, China
Wektu Pos: Aug-15-2023